Crabapple Family Dentistry
in Alpharetta, GA
Our mission is to provide our patients with a superior level of quality dental care by exceeding the expectations of each patient and the community we serve.
Excellence in Dental Care
We care about keeping you and our community safe.
Same day appointments available to you.
Easy appointment booking.
Virtually all major insurance accepted.
Highly Trained Dental Team
Quality Care
We Now Offer Flexible Monthly Pay Options
Available with Sunbit!
Split your treatment cost into monthly payments, up to 72 months. No hard credit check!
Exceptional Dental Services
- General Dentistry
- Restoration of Dental Implants
- Crowns
Save time on your first appointment
As a new patient you can now fill out your forms online before your first visit. We invite you to complete our patient forms and save time at your first check-up.
Featured Specials
$149 New Patient Special
New Patients without dental insurance will receive a comprehensive exam and one set of x-rays for $149. Includes cleaning unless not medically appropriate.
Patients with insurance will receive insurance plan pricing. Must mention this offer at time of visit.
Meet Dr. Elkins
Dr. Kathryn Elkins has lived in Georgia for over 20 years. She has an extensive career history and has been a wonderful asset to our dental team.